Moravian uses qualified coaches licensed by Scottish Orienteering Association(SOA), please feel free to contact any of our coaches if you want help and advice.
Level 3: Elizabeth Furness, Level 2: Donald Grassie, Jane Halliday, Level 1: Roo Hornby, Ian Addis, Nikki Howard, Morag McLuckie (Lead Coach: coach (@) mor.scot )
****** If anyone is interested in becoming a club coach, please let us know. Courses from 'Foundation' upwards are run by the SOA and advertised on their website*******
Club Coaching opportunities
During the year coaching and training opportunities are available to all club members. They are advertised in the Club eNewsletter and listed as Club Activities on the website. Full details including the level and focus of the activity, location and time will be included and you will need to sign up so sufficient resources can be prepared. The lead coach for the activity will always be happy to advise on suitability for individuals and keen to have ideas for a particular focus.
Recent coaching activities have included: a series of Friday afternoon TD4/TD5 coaching sessions; Saturday morning sessions aimed at young beginners ready to tackle Yellow courses independently; a weekend away for those moving from Orange to Light Green and beyond; ‘ask me for help’ person at our local Saturday events to introduce some basic strategies.
Physical training
There is a regular (currently weekly) “hills” session in Grant Park, Forres - a good workout and an opportunity to catch up on O event news. Meet Thursday, 0930 by the cafe car park. No charge. All club members welcome.
Moravian Athlete Development (MAD)
MAD is an occasional activity designed by the Moravian Coaching Team to provide orienteering technique practice. Orienteering markers (usually mini orange and white orienteering kites with control codes) are put out in an area for a couple of weeks for you to visit in your own time. A PDF map and a set of coaching notes are provided so that you can get the best from the exercise. These are downloadable from the website – see the tab on the Coaching page. You take part in this activity at your own risk. It is recommended that if you go alone, you tell someone who will check you have returned safely.
Coaching at our local events: if anyone would like to shadow or be shadowed at one of our Saturday events, please let us know and we can match you up. This is an excellent way to develop and extend your skills and gain confidence. It is also possible sometimes to have a training run after the event with someone more experienced whilst collecting in controls. And don’t forget to have a good old chat/ laugh about your course and ‘route choices’ after- most experienced orienteers are only too happy to listen and offer advice.
There will always be help/advice available for beginners at all our events (and other clubs')- just ask at registration.
In addition to organised coaching sessions, there is always be a coach at an event who is happy to listen and feedback on your latest run. Just ask!
There are many on-line resources covering all aspects of orienteering technique – you’ll definitely find something that appeals to you and which will strengthen and extend your orienteering know-how.
Just to get you started why not try this control description quiz from the Maprunner website?
The Scottish Orienteering Association (SOA) has links to useful documents and videos
Some of our Great Britain squad athletes made an excellent series of videos (Think fast, Run Hard, Go Orienteering) which can be found here